Monday, November 23, 2009

Children's media today

My brother and his family came into town this past weekend. Last night I was reading a story to my 6-year-old niece. The story was about a detective. During the chapter, this detective was using the computer to find our information. I was amazed at all the media-related jargon (dealing with computers) that the children's novel contained. When I was her age, the media was something completely different than it is today. The books I read at her age were much less technologically advanced. It made me feel old.


  1. I hear ya. My little niece has her own i-pod and she knows how to use an i-phone and a mac computer way better than I do! I got my first cell my sophomore year of college, and still don't have my i-pod up and running. I didn't have an email address until I was 14. I feel like I have slowly become more and more into technology, but my younger siblings and nieces and nephews are way ahead of me and they are so young! They truly are growing up in a completely different world than we did!!!
