Thursday, November 5, 2009

Master of everything?

Last night I went to the Missionary Preparation Fireside that they do at BYU every year. I wasn't super excited because I had a lot to do yesterday, and I was super tired. However, I found it very uplifting. One of the topics discussed was on controlling our appetites and passions--especially our thoughts. Something the speaker said left an impression on me: "If we master our thoughts, we master everything."
In relating this to media, I think what we watch and listen to really can impact our thought process and outlook on life. Part of mastering our thoughts comes when we make the decision of what type of media we will view.


  1. Wow...that's a great concept. I never realized how powerful our thoughts can be in that way. I think I'll write that quote down. :)

  2. That is a great quote. It reminds me of the quote that says:

    "Watch what you think for they become your words. Watch what you say for they become your actions. Watch your actions as they become your habits. Watch your habits as they become your destiny."
